Tildamail FAQ

What is Tildamail?
Secure email, money, and file sharing with decentralized storage. Self-sovereign data and identity made easy for Web3.
How is Tildamail better than ProtonMail or Signal?
Tildamail allows you to store your end-to-end encrypted data anywhere in a decentralized way. Tildamail uses decentralized public key infrastructure. You own and control your data and identity. You own your private key and read and store your private messages locally in a decentralized fashion. This is why it is more secure than centralized web applications like ProtonMail. While Protonmail was an innovation for its time, it does not end-to-end encrypt subject line messages and it is highly vulnerable to both legal attack and man-in-the-middle attacks due to its centralized architecture.
How does Tildamail encrypt my data?
Tildamail uses the open-source double-ratchet algorithm with perfect forward secrecy (PFS) for ultra-secure end-to-end encryption.
Why are my emails disappearing?
Tildamail is based on the principle of self-sovereign storage. You own your data, control your privacy, and choose where to store it. If you do not save your data, it will vanish. You can easily export and store your emails on your laptop, local device, AWS S3, IPFS, and anywhere you please. Nobody, not us, not even big tech or S3 (if you chose to store your data there) can see your end-to-end encrypted data because you own and control your private key. Your private key acts as your password, identity, and only way to decrypt your private messages and files. Like Bitcoin, if you lose it, it’s gone forever and there’s no way to currently recover it. This is a feature, not a bug.
How can I store my emails?
You can export and store your end-to-end encrypted (E2EE) data on your device and import it later and decrypt it with your private key.
How do I invite someone to join Tildamail?
You can use the “Invite people +” button to invite others to join Tildamail. You have three invitations to give.
Do I have the option to save my end-to-end encrypted data with Tildamail?
In the near future, yes. Due to popular demand, we are developing a custodial solution so that you can choose to store your data with us. We will still not be able to see your data, only you will be able to do that because you own and control your private key, which is used to decrypt it.
Is Tildamail open source?
The end-to-end encryption source code for the secure cryptographic transfer of private messages, based on the Double-Ratchet algorithm with Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS), is open-source. The full client and server-side code may be open-sourced in the medium term future.
How can I report a bug or security issue or contact support?
You can report a security or bug issue by sending details to info@tildamial.com or by pressing the “?” logo next to your avatar and clicking “Report a bug” and send us a detailed message.
How secure is Tildamail?
Tildamail uses state of the art end-to-end encryption so your data can never be shared with anyone except the intended recipient(s). Privacy is the default mode. Your data, your property, with privacy you control. Tildamail can’t see your messages, so we can’t use them, share them, or sell them.

The technical design decisions in Tildamail are meant to optimize the security and privacy of your data. Aside from that we use SSL/TLS to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks and to ensure sensitive data is securely transferred from client to browser. We use CSP headers to tell the browser where it can download static resources from. Also, we use HTTP strict-transport security headers to prevent DNS attacks in addition to many other security precautions.
How do I store my data entirely on my local device?
You can store your data on your local device 3 ways.

1) To export everything you can click your profile avatar and select “Export all chats”, which will automatically download all your encrypted data onto your device. You can later import this data by pressing the import data button next to “New Message” in the web app.

2) Alternatively, you can click the ellipsis “...” on each email and download specific messages by checking the boxes next to each one.

3) Lastly, you can turn on the option to automatically download all your encrypted data by going to Settings > Data > ”Auo-download all data (emails and files ) upon Log out”.
What file types can I share?
You can share all different types of file types (i.e. png, mov, pdf, etc).
Is there a size limit to the files I can share?
You can share up to 10 GB per end-to-end encrypted email.
If I forget or lose my password, am I entirely logged out of my account?
Your private key is your password, identity, and data. Make sure to store it in a secure place. If you lose it, there is no way for anyone to recover it for you. It’s like Bitcoin; if you lose it, it’s gone forever. That’s a feature, not a bug.
Can I send money on Tildamail in any cryptocurrency?
Our partnership with Stellar allows you to send both Stellar Lumens (XLM) and USDC (powered by Stellar). You can start sending money like email instantly. Just connect your wallet and start sending money to friends and family around the world instantly at near zero fees.
Is there a Tildamail mobile app?
We are working on a mobile app! In the meantime, Tildamail is a responsive web app, and works great on both iOS and Android mobile devices.
Can I purchase certain reserved names from Tildamail?
Yes, in the future we intend to have this functionality.
Can I set up a custom domain for my team or company?
Yes, in the future we intend to have this functionality.
Can I change my Tildamail username?
Yes, you can change your display name on emails by going to Settings > Profile > Contact Info to edit and save your Full Name. However, you cannot change your Tilda name and/or corresponding SMTP address (i.e. ~name, name@tildamail.com)